Tips and Tricks for making Flying with Kids a breeze

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Tips for Flying with Kids

Whether you’re flying with a toddler prone to sprinting away or a grade schooler who turns into kidzilla when she’s bored, here’s how you can tackle the most common challenges of flying with kids.

Surrender to the Unknown

The child who was perfect on the flight out may be determined to make sure you become that family on your return trip. Expect to be surprised and accept that you can’t control everything (especially people’s reactions).

And remember: Your child’s behavior may not even be the issue. Matt Wittenstein, an American living in Paris who travels extensively with his eight-year-old daughter, got a crash course in family travel mishaps: “Her first flight was an international one—my wife and I took her to Portugal—and we were traveling with pre-bottled formula. The bottles were fine everywhere except London, where they made me open half of them to prove… well, I don’t know what. But it did mean that most of the formula we brought was wasted.”